Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Knob Drop Missed

So after spending the last week or so at Apozen trying to get a decent drop, i finally saw him drop something other than gold for the first time since Hell was brought back in v.25. It was me and some other lvl 20 kid and we brought Apo all the way down to red. Then Qvackis shows up, kills a couple imps while we are hitting Apo, then walks over and shoots apo and gets the kill. And guess what drops? A Knob staff. So furious was I that I swore on my guild chat(which i never do). This was honeslty the last straw. Some jerk who probably got higher level than me by using a speeder comes and kill steals Apo and then gets a knob staff when I have never even seen one drop before? He already has a scav bow and i'm sure plenty of gold from scamming and getting other drops from speeding. Fuck it, I think i'm gonna quit because the only way I can compete with these speeding assholes now is to speed as well and I refuse to do that. I have never used a cheat before and I'm not putting my computer at risk to do so over this un-moderated game full of assholes. I might play test but that is annoying too becuase it took me over a year to get where I am in level on main and I don't think i wanna invest that kinda time again on this game. Until further notice, you will not see me in game but I will try to keep up on this blog...

1 comment:

Pixlphantasy said...

Wow that just sucks but don't let it get to you. You're a better person just because you don't cheat and thats all that really matters. All those cheaters just make you wonder what else they cut corners at if they cant even handle a simple game. One thing that makes me smile is when I beat their butts without the cheats. I've never cheated..never will and I will continue to prove it can be done. All it takes is perseverance and patience. ^_^ Besides..leaving just gives them what they want...more attention.